Monday, October 5, 2009


Clare Miller, this one is for you.

a.) I want you to start a blog on here and keep an updated on your London life!
b.) I am serious about coming to visit you. Probably about three weeks or so. I'm going to Vegas this month and then I'll be in Australia for January and February so I'm going to be pinching pennies till then but anytime about a month after that would be splendid for me! So let me know when you're ready to spend 21 straight days with me and I'll be there! Also I'm gone to California all of May and to Niagra Falls in July but only for a week so even if the end of June or mid July is better I'm good for then too.
c.) I miss you muchly and all your random greatness! So even if you turn down my blog offer you still need to keep in touch with me and let me know what's going on! Love you, see you as soon as I get cash! xx


Anonymous said...

Seriously, I have no good friends over here yet and I miss you lots too! I'll take you to London and we'll have a freaking blast. Anytime, just let me know.hmm. I'll be traveling april-june, doing a two week tour but ya!
Love you too!

Jen(3x3) said...

I'll let you know once I find out exact dates and do some money calculations to make sure I'll have it, but once everything is sorted out then I'm coming! =D Wow I'm excited!
How long are you there for? A whole year or just half?